ATedu 香港藝術治療與教育
Hong Kong Art Therapy and Education
ArtPsy Studio is a Psycho-educational Art Studio emphasizes on child and youngster's psychological development. Our innovative ArtPsy approaches are all with an focus on self-discovery and joyful experience within the creative process. It is designed to nurture child and youngster's creativity through the art making and stimulate their passion for life and learning, support their social and problem-solving skills while ensuring their healthy psychological growth.
ArtPsy Studio是一個注重兒童及青少年心理發展的藝術教育工作室。 我們的藝術教育計劃非常重視創作過程的快樂體驗及自我探索歷程。 透過ArtPsy Studio的創新教育體驗,我們得以培養兒童及青少年的創造力,激發他們對學習,以至於生活的熱愛,從而加強其社交和解難能力,為每一位兒童及青少年打下強健的心理健康基礎。
“Every child is an artist. The problem is to remain an artist once they grow up. ”
~Pablo Picasso
Benefits of Sensory experience
Stimulate and inspire children’s five senses.
Find inner voice: Sensory experiences encourage children to tap their inner voice as they test their ideas and explore the phenomena of the material/s that are in front of them
Fine motor development: Oftentimes sensory experiences foster fine motor skills as children are challenged to scoop, pour, cut, sift, or mold.
Benefits of Art & Play experience
Calming: Playing with dry rice, sand, water, play dough, and other materials that stimulate the senses can calm children and improve their focus
Build the skills of personal expression.
This will also help parents and caregivers to recognize the status of the child’s development and gain insight on their inner worlds.
Developmental benefits
Stimulate brain development for better cognitive, behavioral and social skills.
Language acquisition: Sensory experiences can build language acquisition when adults facilitate the experience with contextual description language such as, “You’re moving the sand into the corner of the box,” or “Do you feel the warm water pouring over your hands?”