ATedu 香港藝術治療與教育
Hong Kong Art Therapy and Education
個人心理輔導 Individual Counselling
以對話為主的個人心理諮詢和心理治療/輔導:我們提供的心理治療和輔導計劃,對兒童及年輕人的心理,認知和情感發展有顯著的幫助及改善,協助他們處理各樣情緒,瞭解自己情緒背後的原因、感受和期望,從而找到疏導和解決的方法,了解自己的問題,有助日後面對生活變遷所引起的各種困難,並於輔導中得到即時的舒緩和幫助,讓有需要的受助者排解哀傷和適應新生活。 我們使用的治療方法包括認知行為,心理動力學,正念,創意藝術治療等。
Counselling and Psychotherapy: working with the child or young person and family/carers, we offer a therapy programme to help children, young person and their family to explore and understand their issues and focus on their psychological, cognitive and emotional development. Therapy approaches we use include cognitive-behavioural, psychodynamic, mindfulness, play and art therapy.
心理輔導 Psychological Counselling
藝術治療與教育 Art therapy in education
香港藝術治療│心理輔導與教育專門提供外展藝術治療 - 心療藝術室 服務給不同的教育團體和醫療/護理機構。我們會配合當地環境,為學校/機構創造一個獨一無二而適合學校/機構使用者的藝術空間。由註冊藝術心理治療師主理的心療藝術室配套專業及設備齊全,能確保學生/機構使用者安心全情投入藝術治療中。
Art Therapy in Education is an Outreach Art Therapy Service to Care Agencies and Educational Institutions throughout Hong Kong by means of our Mobile Healing ArtRoom services. We create a Studio space on-site, which is fully equipped and professionally facilitated.
成立心療藝術室的目的旨在幫助遇到情緒和行為困難的學生,用藝術創作等非語言媒介表達內心感受。 我們目前正在不同的校園裡提供藝術心理治療服務,以藝術作為心理治療的溝通橋樑,從而提高學生的自尊心,自信心及認識自我。外展心療藝術室服務適合不同需要之人士,因為藝術本是屬於每一個人。
The Healing ArtRoom is aimed at helping students who are experiencing emotional and behavioural difficulties. Currently we are running Healing ArtRoom in schools offering art psychotherapy & Art as therapy services to increase student’s self-esteem, self-confidence and self-awareness. This mobile service makes therapeutic art accessible for a wide range of clients within agencies.