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ATedu 香港藝術治療與教育
Hong Kong Art Therapy and Education
心療藝術課程Art as Therapy
Art as Therapy offers an unconventional perspective, demonstrating how art can guide us, console us, and help us better understand ourselves. Art can be a therapeutic medium, able to assist us with a wide variety of life’s dilemmas. We believe the point of art in general is to offer therapeutic assistance; it should help us to better endure and enjoy our lives.
心理教育課程 Psycho-education program
心理教育課程 是對學校或團體機構提供個人或家庭的心理教育,目的為加強大眾對心理及情緒健康的認識,從而理解及解決生活上或個人成長中所遇到的困難,以“預防勝於治療”為目標幫助學生及家庭以最佳方式處理他們的狀況。
Art-based Psycho-education is the education offered to individuals and their families the use of creativity as a means of resolving difficulties in life and for personal development, to help empower them and deal with their condition in an optimal way.
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